About Series : Series C.-1905

This is a series of b&w cards, probably printed by J. Walch & Sons in Hobart.  I have been unable to find any records about the production of the cards, unlike the coloured Walch cards where the complete correspondence with the printer has survived.


Series Contents: The full list of cards in the series is not know; the ones I have seen are illustrated here.


Date Published: Mid 1905.  The earliest postmark date I have seen is June 30, 1905.


Printing: The cards were printed by letterpress halftone. J. Walch & Sons had had this type of printing press in their own print shop in Hobart since 1900, so it is most likely that they were printed there.


Number in Series: Unknown.


Identification:  The cards have an imprint on the back  “C.-1905. J. Walch & Sons, Wellington Bridge, Hobart”.