About Series : Mather Series 4

This is a series of colour-printed divided back cards. The few I have seen have views of the usual public buildings in Hobart.


Date Published: This series was announced as just released in an advertisement in The Mercury on 2 December 1905, so the publication date can .accurately be set as that year.


Printing: The printer is not identified on the cards. They are printed in three layers of lithography (red, yellow, blue) with a black collotype layer superimposed for emphasis. This method was used by German printers at the time, but was not available in Australia, so they are assumed to be printed in Germany.


Number in Series: Six, from the advertisement of 2 Decmber 1905 (see About this Publisher).


Identification:  The A. Mather & Co. name is printed on the front of the card, in the white margin under the picture.  There is no series name or identifying numbers.  The card backs are printed in pinkish brown; with the words "AFFIX PENNY STAMP HERE" in the stamp box. A unique feature of the series is the unusual wiggly horizontal line under the words "POST CARD".