About Series : Mather Series 3

This is a series containing both black and white and coloured cards. It has a consistent layout, with the backs of coloured and black and white cards being identical. On the back bottom left of each card there is a number within the series; strangely, the card numbers of the black and white cards are intermingled with those of the coloured cards


Date: Printed in late 1904.


Printing: The black and white cards are printed by collotype and the coloured cards by  three layers of lithography (red, blue, yellow) with a black collotype layer superimposed for emphasis.The black and white cards were definitely printed by C.G. Röder, Leipzig, Germany; they are in the distinctive Röder style and carry a Röder printer's number in the usual place of the back botton right. Cards in this printer's number range were printed in late 1904. (A full discussion of dating Röder cards is given for the McVilly & Little Series 69,000 cards). Although the coloured cards do not carry a printer's number, it is assumed that they also were printed by C.G. Röder.


Number in series: The highest card number I have seen is no. 10, so there is probably 10 or 12 in the series.


Identification: Identification is straightforward, with the publishers name and the card number within the series on the back bottom left.