H. Dowie and Co. was a Hobart photographer mainly known for photos of coach tour groups descending Mt. Wellington.
An advertisement for the company appeared in the Daily Post (Hobart) on 29 January 1917:
H. DOWIE AND CO. Photographers. Studio over Hunt's Fruit Shop, 72 Murray St. Charges reasonable.
The advertisement appeared only once. Apart from that advert, Dowie and Co kept a very low profile. They do not appear in the Wise Tasmanian Directory and I cannot find any other newspaper references to them.
The best mention of their activities is the message on the back of the card dated February 20, 1913:
... The World Travellers & other Hobart tourists returning from the heights of Mount Wellington on Thursday evening February 20, 1913. The ponies were cream white with blue eyes! Mr. Dowie an enterprising photographer takes all the coaches at this spot.Note the homelike scenery also Wolfies Xmas pipe ...
An earlier photographer of tour groups descending the mountain was P.M. Koonin, who left Tasmania in 1912. Dowie seems to have taken over the role of tour group photographer from him.